Felonious Donald GUILTY on All Counts

(AMP) New York City, May 30, 2024
Former President of the United States, Donald J. Trump, was found guilty on all 34 counts. The case is frequently called the “Hush Money” case. His crimes defrauded American voters in 2016 by covering up a sexual affair with adult film actress, Stormy Daniels, by using a “catch and kill” scheme wherein the National Enquirer bought the rights to her story and had her sign a non-disclosure agreement, and then killed the story in order to keep the affair secret from the American public in the weeks prior to the 2016 election.

Trump is now a convicted felon and a candidate for POTUS this year.

American Freedom in Jeopardy

May 30 2024 Update: Many people are still not aware of the planned takeover of the entire Executive Branch by radical extremists in the event of a Republican being elected President in 2024. Kudos to those who are informed and oppose.

State senator Lisa Grafstein (D) at the Pints & Politics forum of candidates in Raleigh, NC on May 30, 2024. Here, she is fielding a question from the audience about Project 2025, followed by comments from other candidates on several other issues.

Now Playing at the House

House Republicans Relentless Attacks on LGBT Citizens in 2023. Produced by the CEC, February 2024.

House Republicans are obsessed. Not with lowering healthcare costs. Not with growing the middle class. Not with making life easier for working families. No, they’re obsessed with attacking the LGBTQI+ community, especially kids.

When Republicans took control of the House of Representatives last year, we saw an avalanche of attacks against the LGBTQI+ community. In one year, they forced more than 50 anti-LGBTQI+ votes on the House floor.

Read the entire Congressional Equality Caucus report at the official US House: equality.house.gov/obsessed

Trump Trial Dates So Far, and So Many!

91 Criminal Charges, 2 Federal Trials, a NY Trial, a GA Trial

The Donald always putin himself first and America last.

Rather than wanting to go to trial and clear his ill-repute, Donald Trump keeps using a strategy of delaying trials as long as possible and hoping to regain power to pardon himself and give himself the immunity of an omnipotent authoritarian bad guy. Trump should not be immune from being held accountable for the 91 serious crimes he is charged with. He should have to abide by laws as does everyone else.

March 25, 2024 –
NY Hush Money.
New York Criminal trial: 34 Counts.
Lead Prosecutor, Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg
Manhattan, NYC, NY
Falsifying records related to hush money coverup of Stormy Daniels affair from the electorate (you folks). Charged by New York with 34 counts of 1st degree felony violations of New York law related to falsifying corporate record keeping, NY Penal Law § 175.10 . Trump turned himself in, was processed criminally, pleaded not guilty, and was released without bail. Donald Trump’s lawyer Michael Cohen allegedly acted on orders of Trump and already spent time in prison.

No Trial Date – Trump indicted but delaying the trial.
Federal Election Interference /
Inciting February 6, 2021 Attack on the Capitol
Lead Prosecutor is special counsel Jack Smith.
Washington DC.
Trump incited insurrection and is charged with 4 felony crimes.
Grand Jury Indicted Trump on August 1, 2023 charging him with an extraordinary conspiracy that threatened to disenfranchise millions of Americans by obstructing an official proceeding, including conspiracy,
1 felony count of conspiracy to defraud the United States, and
1 felony count of conspiracy against rights 18 U.S.C. § 241

May 20, 2024 –
Federal Classified Documents.
Lead Prosecutor is special counsel Jack Smith.
US District Court in Florida.
Trump is charged with 40 felonies related to taking and willfully retaining highly sensitive classified documents at Maralago and possibly elsewhere, including military and nuclear secrets. US District Court. In June, 2023 Trump was arraigned and pleaded not guilty. 32 felony counts of willful retention of national defense information in violation of the Espionage Act, 6 felony counts of obstruction-related crimes under 18 U.S.C. § 1512 and 18 U.S.C. § 1519, and 2 felony counts of false statements under 18 U.S.C. § 1001.

August 5,2024 (date proposed by Fulton Cty DA)
Georgia Election Interference Case,
13 counts including RICO and Conspiracy.
Indicted August 14, 2023.
Lead Prosecutor, Fulton County DA Fani Willis
This is the case in which Trump was recorded trying to urge Georgia Secretary of State Raffensperger to change the vote. “What I want to do is this. I just want to find, uh, 11,780 votes, which is one more than we have, because we won the state.” Other Trump Republicans were also involved in trying to get Georgia to change the vote, which is why DA Fani Willis is charging RICO and conspiracy.
1 count of violating the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act, 3 counts of solicitation of violation of oath by public officer, 1 count of conspiracy to commit impersonating a public officer, 2 counts of conspiracy to commit forgery in the first degree, 2 counts of false statements and writings, 2 counts of conspiracy to commit false statements and writings, 1 count of filing false documents, 1 count of conspiracy to commit filing false documents

Emoluments Charges – In January 2024, US House Democrats allege Trump accepted $7.8 Million from foreign governments while President in violation of the US Constitution. Former President Trump has Not been charged criminally for the emoluments charges YET.

Nowadays, probably due to the DOJ allowing the statute of limitations to lapse, nobody seems to be talking about charging Trump with crimes related to the reasons related to the reasons for the first impeachment. Remember the recording of what certainly sounded like a threat to withhold funds approved by Congress for Ukraine to defend itself from Russian annexation of territory unless Ukrainian President Zelenskyy did him “a favor” of investigating Trump’s political competitors, the Bidens. Abuse of power of the office of the President for Trumps own personal benefit seems to be just another typical day.

Some people say Trump is always putin himself first and America last. (Intentional spelling).



Letter from Fani Willis blasts Jim Jordan

(AMP) 9/7/2023

Today’s 9 page letter from Fulton County Georgia District Attorney Fani Willis in response to a letter from US House Rep Jim Jordan, Chair of the House Judiciary Committee, claims his “obvious purpose is to obstruct a Georgia criminal proceeding and to advance outrageous partisan misrepresentations. As I make clear below, there is no justification in the Constitution for Congress to interfere with a state criminal matter, as you attempt to do.”


Happy Independence Day – 4th of July!

On July 4, 1776, after years of growing tension, including fierce battles and initial shots fired at Lexington and Concord on April 19, 1775, now known as Patriots Day, the Second Continental Congress met at the Pennsylvania State House, now known as Independence Hall, in Philadelphia. At the risk of being hung as traitors to Britain they pledged their lives and signed the Declaration of Independence. All 13 colonies declared our independence from Great Britain as united States of America.

The declaration justified the independence of the united States of America by listing 27 colonial grievances against King George III and by asserting certain natural and legal rights, including justifications for exercising the right of revolution.

Every year, the 4th of July is celebrated as Independence Day in the United States.

The text of the Declaration of Independence, as transcribed from the original parchment, is a beautifully worded justification to unite and stand against tyranny. If you have never read it, or want to read it again, please visit the National Archives.

Presidents Day 2023

George Washington, First President of the United States of America, Father of Our Country

In 2023, Presidents Day is a national holiday celebrated on Monday, the 20th day of February.

Some of us who are historians or students of history are old fashioned and prefer to honor George Washington and Abraham Lincoln on their birthdays.

Years ago, George Washington’s birthday and Abraham Lincoln’s birthday were a thing. Then something happened so that, nowadays, most people don’t even think about Georgie and Abe, two of the most popular presidents ever.

Georgie and Abe – remember them?

As for George Washington, there is good reason for him to have become the first president. General George Washington was commander of the Continental Army. If not for his leadership of brave American patriots, victory over the redcoats and King George III of England during the American Revolution would likely have been a defeat. President George Washington was also a great statesman. Without George Washington, the army, the militias, the insurgents, our allies (such as the French), and the other founding fathers, the united states of America might have never been.

Note: the use of lower case united states in “the united states of America” is intentional for purposes of historical accuracy. America was intended to be the original name of our country; our territorial land. This can be seen in some original historical documents. Our people are Americans. United States of America is the name of the government. Nowadays, America, United States, US, United States of America, and USA, all refer to the nation. Historically, there have been other countries with united states as part of their official name. For example, from 1889 until 1930, the country we refer to as Brazil was officially named the Republic of the United States of Brazil.

As for 16th President Abraham Lincoln, the United States of America became divided when slave states of the south seceded and formed the Confederate States of America (CSA). Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation and was instrumental in leading the Union yankee forces to defeat the Confederate rebels, which ended slavery in the USA.

So, why is it that so many people seem to have forgotten George and Abe to the point where most of us no longer celebrate – and not even remember – their birthdays ?!

By the way, today is Valentines Day 2/14/2023! Don’t you dare forget it or your loved one(s) will be pissed off.

For those of you who don’t know their birthdays… George Washington’s Birthday is February 22nd. Abraham Lincoln’s Birthday is February 12th.

What do you think happened so that most people of this generation no longer even think of George Washington and Abraham Lincoln in February?

AMP uses NS3

AMP News trusts NS3.US for our url shortening needs.

You are probably familiar with short link utilities people use when a url is far too long. Shorter links are especially helpful when posting on social media sites which limit the number of characters you can put in a post.

For example, the official White House file for the 2023 State of the Union Address to Congress has an extremely long url :


That is a humongous url ! Imagine trying to fit that link into a post!

With the use of NS3.US, we are able to have a much shorter url which takes us to the same file!
